GK and Amazingfacts

Tuesday 17 February 2015


What is magic?

  Abra-ca-dabra or the more common words "gilli-gilli-choo"are seen as magic mantras

the world over. what is magic? just by chanting these mantras a magician is able to

do the impossible and leave the audiance cheering for more, in formal terms,. what is

magic? "magic is a performing art that entertains audiences by staging tricks or crea

-ting illusions of seemingly impossible or supernatural feats using natural means".

  what is magic? The word " magic" is derived from the latin word magic - a term that

was used to refer to zoroastrians. it is belived that the purpos of practicing magic

was to entertain, chet in games, or creat deceptions and illusions. what is magic? in

soome relgions, magic is also meant to offer social education and healing.

  what is magic? indubitably, magic is one of the subtlest and most difficult of scien

-ce and arts. what is magic? there is more opportunity for errors of comprehension,

 -gement and practice then in any other branch of physics.

  what is magic? Evolution of magic in the world,. it would not be incorrect to say

that the story of magic is as old as recorded history.

  what is magic? Nearly 5000 years ago, magic entertained the court of the egyptian

king cheops. A magician named dedi cut off and retored the heads of a goose, a pelican,

and an ox. even the westcar papyrus, written nearly 4000 years ago, has on record a

story of magician performing centuries earlier in the pharaoh's court. magician perf

-ormed in the street of marketplaces of ancient greece and rome. almost every socie

-ty during the ancient times had some from of magic can be said to be the most unive

-rsal of the performing arts, because it tranlates so easily from one culture to another.

   what is magic? the period from 1750 to 1930nwas seen as the golden age of magic,

 magicians started by perfoming at inns and public houses, or in rented rooms. eventually,

magic caught on with the upper classes and the magicians got a chance to perform in large

theatres and gain redpectability and status. what is magic? many magicians capitalized

on the public's intrest in science, drawing people to their magic shows with scientific

sounding terms or combining their shows with science lectures. the great travelling show

also arose in this period.


 what is magic?  during this period when magic was the talk of the circles, how could

india be left behind?

   what is magic? the indian magical scence saw magicians like Vazhakunnam, Neelakandam

Namboothiri like K.Bhagyanath, and P.C. Sorcar gain popularity.

   what is magic? namboothiri, also knoen as the grandfather of magic in keral, played

an important role in bringing magic as a Art into india. for more then half a century

he kept his viewers spellbound in spite of his extreme simlicity, devoid of any elaborate

stage or costume.

 what is magic? prof. K.Bhagyanath, consiferd as the most educated magicians of his time,

was the sole creator of FANTASIA-a spectacular show of magic and illusions that extended

for nearly three hours.

what is magic? and finally, partual chandra sorcar (P.C. SORCAR SR.) ,  also known as

the father of modren indian magic, took magic to a different high. sorcar's grest con

-ribution to the world of magic was the installation of indian magic to the pedestal of

international fame through his creation of the "inrajal".

  what is magic ? under his guidance and leadership this magnificent creation become
an Art on international attraction.