GK and Amazingfacts

Sunday 8 February 2015

Robo Learn from Youtube?

A robot that learns to cook from YouTube

And you thought learning new things and impress friends madterchef cool.Well was not

anymore.The US military has developed a new robot that can learn how to cook the observation

youtube videos, live reports science.com .

  using smart programming , the robot is able to recognize how kitichen utensils

are used in the videos and can precisely replicate these shares without rights

procedure, according to the study , which was funded by the Defense Advance research

Projects Agency ( DARPA) .

BOT HEAD : It is not clear why the military has an interest in robot that can cook , but

cooking requires a wide variety of future robot TAHT serivce action will need to learn ,

said researchers from the University of Maryland, who led the robot already study.Existing

good enough to recognize objects or models, but it's much more difficult to interpret visual information

and perform actions on that basis, DARPA officials said.The agency has now taken the next step

by developing a robot TAHT processes visual information and translates it into action.

COOL TECH : The team has trained the robot using a databased youtube videos filmed kitchen

third - person perspective.At level , "brain" of the robot was powered by two learning algorithms,

or neural networks : an object recognition system, and to classify the type of grip

used to manage object.At a higher level , robot software allowed him to use his knowledge

to mimic the action in the videos.

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There is no end for learning,Robot learning cooking