GK and Amazingfacts

Friday 16 January 2015





Lose your eyes. Imageine the vast blue ocean and think of your favourite sea creature.

  Did you sea the face of a cte, bottle-nosed dolphin with a wide grin spread acress his

  face? fun- loving, gentle and sensitive, the dolphin is an amazing mammal said to pos-

  sess unusually high intelligence. recent research suggests that the mammali's squeaks

  and clicks may be a from of communication and that some signature whistles could also

  be ways for the dolphin to identifyitself and call out to each other and call out to

  each other using these names!

                                Dolphins are truly out of the ordinary because of their

  intelligence.and, among the many creature that share the earth with us, they come cl-

  osest to humankind in terms of familial traits, emotions and learning. just like us,

  dolphins live in group called pods that they consider family. the feeling of commun-

  ity within a pod is intense. the dolphins in a pod care for the sick, elderly or in-

  jured and grieve just like humans. like us, they are also social mammals who enjoy

  the company of dolphins from other pods, and sometimes even tease the sea creatures

  in their vicinity. dolphines nurse their babies like humans and young ones remain

  with their mothers for almost three years, before awimming off to start their own

 DOLPHINS IN MYTHOLOGY: Amazing as it is to imagine that dolphins and other cetaceans

 could soon be entitled to their own rights, mythology tells us that these creatures

 enjoyed a eill of their own. the dolphin is depicted in many GREEK stories as a se-

 afaring creature that guided ships and helped sailors on long, treacherous journeys.

         According to one particular Greek myth, dolphins have "human" qualities because

 thay were once human themselives. the story goes that the GREEK GOD Dionysus was trave-

 lling the oceans when he was captured by pirates who mistook him for a royal member.

 the pirates chained the GOD to the ship's mast and rowed towards Turkey dreaming of a

 rich ransom. unobserved, dionysus broke out of his chain and started playing his flute.

       As he played his song, grape vines entwined the ship's mast and the oars turned

 into serpents. frightened the pirates threw themselves overborad.

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