GK and Amazingfacts

Sunday 11 January 2015

Snow In Summer In which City ?




Sometimes, in summer, you can fine white cottony tufts floating in the air.if you are
  lucky to grab one,you can use it as a bookmark.

          feather light and soft white in texture, these tufts  can be seen in abunfance
  in open grasslands. they are aplenty and when thay cover the ground,they resemble 

 snowflakes from a distance. these fibrous tufts come from  the bombaxceiba also 

 known as the silk cotton tree 'or'semal'.

  BEAUTIFUL SIGHT: During summer the spherical brown fruits brust allowing the wind to

  carry the fibrous seefs that germinate once thay fall on the ground. the tree attracts

  brids and one can see monkeys swinging on its branches and plucking fruits while the

  cottony tufts fall.

                in india, it is planted in parks and on the roadside because of its bea-

  utiful red flowers that bloom in march and april.

                "the cottony tuft is actually the seed fibre that serves as a parachute

  mechanism for seed dispersal, which enables the seed to flot in the air," explains S.K.

  borthakur, professor, plant taxonomy and Ethnobotany, Department of botany, Guwahati

  university. "the trees grow well in sandy soil in open areas such as forest fringes,

  river banks and open gress-lands. you will never find these tress in dense forest are-

  as. it needs plenty of sunlight and has an open canopy formation, the tree grow iin

  abundance in Assam and in the North East and id limited to nothern bangladesh,Thailand

  and mayanrnar," he adds.

               These solitary tredd are a delight to watch. when in bloom, the tress bear

 spectacular brick red, yellowish red or white flowers depending on the soil.

               The tufts are used as filing for pillows and mattresses. they are preferr-

 ed over cotton as they don't stick and from lumps like cottoon does," says prof. Borthakur.

 "bthe spines on the brek of growing plants have medicincal value while the timber is used

  in constuction to ceilings and mats in assam. the tree has many uses." 

               If you come across a floting tuft, do remember the 'semel' tree that packs

 in a lot of uses.

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