GK and Amazingfacts

Sunday 15 March 2015

New Microwave Tech Paves Way for Space-Based Solar Power Generation

New Microwave Tech Paves Way for Space-Based Solar Power Generation

Paving the way for the production of solar energy space-based, Japanese researchers have succeeded in transmitting electrical power wirelessly to a point target microwave.The team of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) transformed 1.8 kilowatts of electrical power microwave and forwarded with an accuracy to a receiver located 55 meters, the Wall Street Journal reported.In the experiment conducted in Hyogo Prefecture, western Japan, the microwave was converted with live electrical current success at the receiving end.For the generation of space solar power, sunlight is collected in geostationary orbit and transmitted to a receiver on Earth.If implemented, microwave transmission solar satellites would be in place about 35,000 km above the Earth in 2030, a spokesman for JAXA was quoted as saying.A receiver in place on Earth with a radius of about three kilometers can create up to a gigawatt of electricity - about the same as a nuclear reactor.The researchers' aim for practical use in the 2030s, "JAXA researcher Yasuyuki Fukumuro posted on its website.Satellite solar panels can capture the energy around the clock and are not affected by the weather, the report added.