GK and Amazingfacts

Wednesday 31 December 2014

Why Are Most Humans Use Right Hand ?

Why Are Most Humans Right Handed ?

Nobody Knows for sure.Some animals prefer using one eye,leg or paw,but we're unusual in that
over90 per cent of us are right-handed.One theroy is that since we alone have language,which
requires fine motor skills,it makes sense for the same half of the brain to control speech
and motor function. so the left hemisphere of right-handed people's brains will control spee
-ch and motion. yet about half of left-handers have language on the left, as most people do,
and they cope perfectly well, so this can't be the whole story. nor does it explain why we
don't have a 50/50 split of right- and left-handers. perhaps whole societies benfit if ever
-yone uses the smae hand, but then a few rebels might gain an advantage. this may be why left
- handers excel at tennis,cricket, fencing and boxing, having the advantage of unfamiliarity
over the majority right-handers have often been reviled, but perhaps our left-handers ancestors
won enough fights to keep a certain proportion of left-handedness in the human population.

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