GK and Amazingfacts

Friday 2 January 2015

Endangered Animals of India

Endangered Animals of India

 Canis Iupus Linnaeus
   The Indian Wolf is almost the size of an Alsatian dog,with its body sandy brown,sometimes
mixes with black.its face and limbs are red while the abdomen is somewhat white in colour.
other characteristics of the animal include a large skull,long and powerful jaws and an elevated

  The chief representative of the wolf tribe in india are,however,two smaller animals the wollywolf
 of'the Himalayas in Kashmir and the Indian wolf of peninsular India.

  The Wolf is nocturnal in habit and preys on deer.dheep,goat and poultry.Once scattered all
over india, "the animal has been drastically reduced in number in recent years. Small packs of
wolves are now found in maharashtra,Gujarat,Karnataka,Rajasthan and Bihar and the Rann of Kutch.
Every year the wolf's chances for survivals in a hostile world become more precarious.

  Wolves have successfully resisted extermination thus far,partly because they can exist on a
highly varied diet and partly because they have a high birth rate. The female wolf gives birth
to six to ten cubs at a time and rises them all carefully, so that many survive. Wolves also
survive because of their tightly-knit social organisation. They frequently hunt in packs led
by their dominant members. However,in spite of their highly adaptable way of life,most kind
of wolves are now seriously endangered.In india wolves were mostly huntes out of the vicinity
of human populations because of the wrong notion that they lift children.

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