GK and Amazingfacts

Saturday 10 January 2015

Facts About Indian Fox

Animals Of india

Indian Fox

   Foxes are often described as clever and cunning animals in fairy-tales and fables.They are

skilful in eluding their enemies and in tracking down their prey.They are nocturnal animals,

sleeping during the day and hunting at night,singly or in pairs.The fox has a language of sound

and smell through which it communicates with others.

   The indian fox is grey coloured with slender limbs,a black tipped tail and triangular ears.

it is found throughout india except in the extreme north-western borders and inhabits the

scrublands and agricultural fields.The fox feeds on rats,reptiles,crabs,termites,and also fruits.

Hunting for its skin and flesh and excessive use of pesticides in agricultural fields has greatly

depleted its population.

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